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National Careers Week (NCW) at WHSB

During National Careers Week (NCW) this month pupils have been enjoying a range of planned events throughout the School, including classroom-based learning activities and interactive presentations to engage students and provide valuable industry sector information.

Teaching included exploring specific careers linked to the subjects taught, and introducing task-based activities through WHSB's Careers Across the Curriculum project. We are grateful to our teaching staff for their inspirational work in supporting our pupils to gain valuable insights into potential future opportunities for employment following study in their subject specialisms.

A highlight of the week was WHSB's inclusion as a host school in the Aerospace Careers Programme (ACP), an outreach programme for young people throughout the UK. Students from Years 10 to the Upper Sixth with an interest in careers in STEM enjoyed informative talks, and question and answer sessions, by industry experts, incorporating extensive audio-visual aids including video and demonstration technology, such as robotics and virtual reality.

In break-out sessions, and with the assistance of "Spot" a quadruped robot designed by Boston Dynamics, students were able to participate in VR Drone Flying and 3D graphic design. We thank Chris Marshall and his team from ACP for such an excellent day which provided our students with a valuable insight into the emerging technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence, the internet-of-things (IoT), quantum computing, virtual reality, big data and blockchain.

Our thanks also to Miss Fairfax, Deputy Head and Mr Atkinson, WHSB Careers Lead for coordinating the School's participation in this valuable annual initiative focusing on careers guidance, and supporting young people to develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways after leaving education.